Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Questions about registering for Orientation

Incoming students can register for Orientation via the online Orientation registration system. When you log into the registration system you will be able to select the in-person orientation date and virtual advising session you wish to register for. Reservations will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Once you register for a program, you will receive a detailed confirmation email that includes instructions concerning UMBC placement tests. If you do not receive this email, please check your SPAM folder.

Please enter any requests for accommodations during your orientation registration. Please be as detailed as possible. Our team will work with the Office of Student Disability Services to accommodate your request. You can also email with your accommodation needs.

Orientation will be offered in June, July, and August. Since many students have conflicts, we aim to provide the same experience all summer long so students can choose dates that best align with their schedules. June dates are open for registration in April and May, while July and August dates will open for registration in June. Please check back if you require a later orientation date due to your circumstances. All orientations will offer the same experiences regardless of their month.

You will receive an email confirmation immediately after completing your online Orientation registration. The date you select is not confirmed until you receive an email confirmation. Please be sure to “Submit” your registration in order to be confirmed. If you do not receive this email, please check your SPAM folder. You will receive two other reminder emails, one approximately one week before your in-person date and the other a couple of days before your in-person date with more details (check-in location, parking details, etc.).

Access to the Online Orientation Modules as well as instructions on completing them are included in your orientation registration confirmation email. You can log in to the modules with your myUMBC credentials and start completing them as soon as you submit your orientation reservation!

Academic advising and class registration will happen after your on-campus orientation day virtually via Webex Meetings. Students will select their virtual advising appointment during their Orientation registration.

New Student Orientation Check-In will begin at 8:30am. at The University Center. Parking is available for students and guests attending orientation in Lot 3 ONLY. Failure to park in this assigned lot may result in a citation as all other lots on campus require a valid UMBC Parking Permit.

Questions about Advising and Majors

During your orientation registration, you will be able to enter the major you wish to pursue. You will be paired with an orientation who will work with you to complete the change of major form and update your official UMBC record. Please keep in mind that some majors will need further review or permissions. You will be able to have that discussion with one of our orientation advisors who will help you choose the best course of action.
You can start to explore majors here before attending Orientation.